
  • Do we have anymore windows?

  • The rock is more intelligent than you

  • Don't try this at home do it at a friends house

  • No I broke the dam

  • What are Michael Jackson's pronouns? He/He

  • What horror have I unleashed?

  • I can only count to 4

  • This is one of the sentences of all time

  • What if you tried to build a spaceship with a cannon that shoots crocodiles at everyone you hate?

  • What if those crocodiles could shoot heat seeking killer bees Insuring there would be no escape?

  • Where do the squirrels go during hurricanes?

  • I did not blow up my whole life just so you can give up

  • Up up down down left right left right a b most people would of heard of this and if you haven't.... I would like to buy 6 copies of the rock your living under stat

  • The production of too many useful things resulting in too many useless people

  • That left arm is not a right arm

  • If you don't want to fight me prove it by fighting me

  • The archer class really is made up of archers

  • No it destroys crushing opponents with its overwhelming power

  • Be Stupid



  • Big Bowl of NOTHING SOUP

  • I don't want your money either I want your Cheeseburgers

  • There are two types of people in the world, strive to be the third

  • Why do you hate straight lines Adam

  • Kids remember if a random man on the street gives you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive

  • And heavy breasts on the west side of Scotland

  • Get Stick

  • Embrace and proclaim from the rooftops that you are a bundle of sticks

  • Melee combat is the ancient art of hitting stuff in the face until it dies

  • This is the real American way to conquer an alien planet turn it all into parking lots

  • Despite your best efforts, the plot pushes you inexorably to the right

  • I gotta stop making characters that i want to bang